BestPunsEver website located at: is owned and operated by Mobile Network OOD DZZD, a limited liability company established in Haskovo, Bulgaria. The company was founded by George Dimoff and Veselin Nedev in 2008. Our tax identification number / VAT ID is BG126747715 and our legal address is blv. Bulgaria 150, vhod Zapad, office 222, Haskovo, 6300, Bulgaria. You can contact us at or call us at +359888264294.
Who are we
BestPunsEver is one of the first and largest sites where you can read engaging puns to have a quick fun. We have collected these puns from various sources around the web including Reddit, forums, word of mouth sites, etc.
Our Mission
We’ve gathered over 7300 Puns in english for you to enjoy and share with you beloved ones. You can suggest adding a new ones by sending them to our contact email so we can create together a place where the best puns are available for all to read and enjoy.